Icon Designers Blog

Interface design

Five rules for effective interface design


An important element of developing an application is conveying usability through the interface for users of the product. Users need to feel that the application has been developed to meet their needs through extensive market research, as well as finding it simple and straightforward to use. Too often, however, developers go overboard from a design… Read more »

Warning Icon

Top three tips for being tactful in icon design


Designing a fresh set of icons can really revamp the interface and usability of your application or product. There are several factors to consider when choosing your icons: size, simplicity, use of colour, avoiding text, etc. But these icons can sometimes represent a function through metaphor, and in so doing it is important that your… Read more »

Brand Icon

Give your brand a new look with 3D icons


The use of 3D icons is an ideal way to give your application, program or website a fresh look. Whether you are starting something new, or wanting to inject new life into an existing set of icons by sprucing them up, three-dimensionality could be the way to go whatever your theme, be it business, technology,… Read more »

Icon Manager

Icon Design Project Management Software


The scope of the design projects we undertake can vary enormously, from relatively small projects for iPhone and iPad applications, requiring just a handful of files, to larger software applications that require hundreds of individual icons in many sizes and states, leading to the production of thousands of files, all needing to be documented and… Read more »

Glossy Icon

Achieving design effects on your icons


Getting a new icon set for your website or application often means going back to the drawing board. You would be considering many aspects during the design process such as how your new icons will convey your business or brand’s identity, and whether the images used are relevant in identifying the functions they represent or… Read more »

Four interface design tips all web designers need to know


Don’t alienate your users If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it. This doesn’t mean that everything you do should follow the same old look – after all, experimentation is necessary for growth and change. However over time we have been accustomed to several conventions on the web – conventions which have stuck because they… Read more »

What’s best for your brand? In-house vs outsourcing


A lot of companies have been established with a small in-house team and enjoyed the successes of this set-up. Your brand, however, may be set for bigger and better things, which could involve expansion or looking at external sources for their design services. Every company is different, but when it comes to the bigger picture… Read more »

Icon Design – Modern day cave paintings


Icons form visual languages that (like any other language) operate within their own systems of convention and association in order to convey meaning. Whereas spoken language offers the scope for infinite finesse, personal tone, and even ambiguity, the role of iconic language is to invariably provide clarity and brevity – to render the message simple,… Read more »

An opportunity to rethink your product and brand


If you have an application or software which has been in use for a number of years or was recently designed but with rather not-very-impressive icons in use, maybe it’s time for a refresh. A complete icon redesign can provide an opportunity not only to freshen up your image, but it can give a new… Read more »

How Web 2.0 has affected icon design


Icons have become an essential element of modern web design and have to be both functional and visually appealing. Web 2.0 has given rise to an increasing number and different variants of icons. The more Web 2.0 websites, applications and platforms that appear, the greater the need for icons. Although it is tempting to litter… Read more »

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Ask Adam a question or tell us about your icon design project

Telephone: +44 (0) 7801292181
Email: adam@creativefreedom.co.uk
Whatsapp: WhatsApp Adam

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