As Apple have decided to make some changes to their App Icon size and corner radii form iOS7, I thought it would be helpful to myself and others to create a PSD template to both produce all the different Icon Sizes now required, as well as show how these will look on both iOS6 and iOS7 devices.
Following on from my recent ‘Email Icon‘ articles the email icon artwork included in this template is also free to use. Enjoy!
Things you can do with this iOS7 Icon PSD template:
- Test your artwork to see how it will look on both iOS6 and iOS7 devices
- Export iOS App Icons in all the sizes required for both iOS6 and iOS7 devices
- Create App Icon artwork with rounded corners for both iOS6 and iOS7, for display on the web or other media
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The PSD has a few layers but there is quite a lot you can do with the file:
- Text – An overlay of dimensions and basic instructions
- Icon Placeholders – Square boxes for each icon size to help you line up your artwork
- iOS6 Overlay – A translucent overlay showing the iOS6 button radii
- iOS7 Overlay – A translucent overlay showing the iOS7 button radii and guides
- iOS6 Mask Group – A group containing your Icon Artwork with an iOS6 compliant mask you can turn on or off
- iOS7 Mask Group – A group containing a copy of your Icon Artwork with an iOS7 compliant mask you can turn on or off
- Background – Contains a couple of background options you will need to switch off when exporting masked artwork
There is also a slice layer setup to create individual graphics for each of the icon sizes: 1024, 512, 144, 120, 114, 100, 72, 58, 57, 50 & 29 pixels. All you need to do is select ‘Save for Web’ from the ‘File’ menu (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S) to export the individual slices. Then click ‘save’ and make sure you have ‘All User Slices’ selected.