I’m going to shout it out loud “I LOVE CG”, it’s my passion in life and indeed my job.

As a CG artist it’s also my job to pull ideas and passion from some of the bigger studios and more often than not you will find me in my lunch break eating a cheese roll and dribbling salad cream over my Wacom tablet, as I watch in awe at the latest heavy cgi trailer.


It’s an absolute must for any CG artist to fill his or her boots with as much knowledge about vfx shots as humanly possible and this is a great way to do that. It’s not the only way of course. One should get out and look at the world; understanding physics and getting close to nature is another way to help your brain juices flow.

So this is a random selection of ‘some’ of my most inspirational references for a CG artist. This includes trailers, commercials, demo reels from small and large film production studios including:

The Mill, MPC, WETA, BLUR and ILM.

I have also added some breakdowns which outline the processes involved in key shots. These give a truly great insight into what it takes to build a shot.

I find game trailers are really great to watch. More often than not they are full on 3D animated worlds and the effort, detail and animation that goes into them is outstanding, almost always far surpassing the actual game.

I am always interested in games that are spin offs from large movies like Star Wars, as the cinematic trailers often show a fun new side to a well established franchise.

There are a couple of commercials thrown in which have excellent execution, ideas and of course superb visual effects. Enjoy!


Star Wars -The Old Republic


MPC – WWZ Israel Scene Breakdown


The Mill – Showreel 

Fun Serial Killer

Houdini – Showreel

Batman Arkham Origins


Need great looking Motion Graphics or
3D Animation?

Expensive looking video does not need to cost the earth to get your message across. Why not check out our Motion Graphics Showreel?

Motion Graphics Design

Motion Graphics


MPC – Showreel

WETA – Creatures Showreel

WETA – Environment Showreel

ILM – Characters

Method Studios



Total Recall Breakdowns

Modelling Showreel

Silent City

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