How to write an icon design brief
Need a ball-park figure, fast?
All we need to provide an estimate is…
- How many Icons you need?
- The sizes required or how will they be used?
- What style do you want? Examples of what you like are great.
Need an accurate quote?
You know you need some new Icons but if this is your first icon design project, it may not be completely obvious where to start. Writing an icon design brief can help you focus on what you actually want, as well as help your icon designer deliver the goods quickly & efficiently.
What should be in your icon design brief
We are here to help so if you need assistance writing your brief or have any questions at all, Adam will be happy to guide you.
- The brief should be a standalone document, ideally MS Word or Excel
- An overview of your product, its audience and how your icons will be used
- Tell us what styles you like and please provide examples if you have them
- A numbered list of your icons along with filenames, required dimensions and a brief description of what they do
The more information you provide, the less you pay and the faster we deliver
Setting the mood of your software and its audience is really important and allows us to help recommend the right style if you are unsure what you need. If you have a clear idea of what you like,examples are super important, even of icons you don’t like.
When listing your icons you can include additional helpful information. If you currently have icons, please include them in the list. Also state whether the icon just needs redrawing in the new style or needs a complete redesign.
Information like this can help save you money! get in touch with Adam for more information…